New Publication - co-author on 'It Is a Balancing Act: The Interface of Scientific Evidence and Policy in Support of Effective Marine Environmental Management. Sustainability, 14(3), p.1650.'
2021- New publication 'A modelling evaluation of electromagnetic fields emitted by buried subsea power cables and encountered by marine animals: Considerations for marine renewable energy development. Renewable Energy, 177, 72-81.'
2021- New multi-author publication 'Best Practices for Monitoring and Assessing the Ecological Response to River Restoration. Water 2021, 13, 3352.'
2021- New multi-author publication 'Resource occurrence and productivity in existing and proposed wind energy lease areas on the US northeast shelf. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, p.336.'
2020 - New publication 'Setting the context for offshore wind development effects on fish and fisheries. Oceanography, 33(4), pp.118-127.'
2020 - New publication on field based experimental study of HVDC subsea cable EMF interaction with benthic species. [See Knowledge Base - Reports & Publications]
2019 - Andrew selected as co-Chair of the new ICES working group on Offshore Wind Development and Fisheries (WGOWDF).
2019 - Andrew Guest Editor of Journal of Fish Biology Special Issue on 'The Sensory Ecology of Fishes'.
2018 -A series of cross disciplinary and integrated research publications highlighting cumulative environmental assessment and pragmatic considerations of how offshore structures interact with the marine environment. [See Knowledge Base - Reports & Publications]
2018 - Initial stages of acoustic tracking of migratory american eels over an HVDC power cable
The study of free ranging migratory eels is taking place in Long Island Sound this Fall. Next year we will undertake 3-D tracking of eels within enclosures either on or off the electricity cable to test for direct responses to anthropogenic EMF. Collaborative research project with University of Rhode Island, Swedish Defence Agency. Funded by US Federal Agency BOEM 2018-2020.
2018 - Report released on EMF impacts on migratory and mobile animals
The report documents the novel findings from a two-year, collaborative, multi-disciplinary project led by The University of Rhode Island (with Andrew Gill acting as co-PI) and contracted by the USA Federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) entitled "Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Impacts on Elasmobranch (sharks, rays, and skates) and American Lobster Movement and Migration from Direct Current Cables." [read report]